What does the council of the future look like?

In this first webinar from our connected citizen webinar series, Symphony3 Director Fergal Coleman is joined by former Kingston CEO John Nevins to discuss the future of local government.

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In this first webinar from our connected citizen webinar series, Symphony3 Director Fergal Coleman is joined by former Kingston CEO John Nevins to discuss the future of local government.


Watch the full webinar below!

Digital gathers pace

How we work, educate, spend leisure time and where we work, has changed suddenly and quickly due to COVID-19. The need for Local Governments to pivot at pace and offer their citizens greater connectivity to their services has never been greater.  

In this webinar you will:

Learn what the local government of the future will look like, how your existing systems can be leveraged to provide citizens with the seamless and convenient digital interactions they demand, and what leadership and the workforce will look like in the council of the future.  

What does the council of the future look like? A discussion.

In this webinar, the first of six, we take a look at the evolution of technology over the last 20 years and what this means for local government. We look at what local government needs to do to catch up with other sectors. We then explore how the technology will change council operations and what this means for leaders and employees.

In this one-hour interactive session topics we will consider include:

  • The evolution of technology in council. 
  • The API revolution in other sectors and why it is so important.
  • What skills do senior managers in local government need to lead transformation?
  • How to assess if your council is on the right track – what are the questions you need to ask?
  • Who is leading the way in the sector – practical examples from the sector.

Symphony3 will provide only 6 executive events. These will be hosted by:

  • Fergal Coleman: Fergal has assisted over 30 Local Governments with digital transformation.
  • John Nevins: John has 30 years of experience in Local Government & 15 years of experience as a CEO.

The aim of the Connected Citizen series is to socialise the digital transformation journey that is occurring in local government, to understand what is being done well by the sector and what could be done better. We will also discuss what is happening in other sectors with customer-centric mindsets, and the lessons to be learned for local government.

The Connected Citizen Webinar series is brought to you by Symphony3, hosts of the Local Government CEO Circle. We will run in-person CEO Circle events when Covid restrictions ease. As numbers for the in-person events will be limited, preference will be given to CEO’s and Executives who have attended the online events.