How "Smart Glue" can drive internal efficiencies in your organisation


With Smart Glue, we unify your systems and make them easy and efficient to manage.

Make your systems easier to manage with Smart Glue

When councils build on their digital systems, it is easy for these systems to quickly become too large and disjointed to easily manage. With Smart Glue, we unify your systems and make them easy and efficient to manage.

The benefits of a new system, without the learning curve

When we help you add a new system to your organisation, we connect it to your old system so that you can manage new information in a way that you are familiar with. You can have all of the benefits of the new systems, without the disadvantages of learning a new management system. 

Many problems faced by the organisations of today can be resolved with Smart Glue

High costs?

Smart Glue increases efficiencies and reduces costs associated with manually managing systems and data.

Cumbersome systems difficult to manage?

Smart Glue brings everything together in a clean and manageable way.

Duplicate data causing problems?

Smart Glue centralises your data management so that you no longer have multiple versions of the same data across different systems.

Turn your systems from a spaghetti-mess to something clean and beautiful

Smart Glue can simplify and supercharge your systems so that you can make the most of your organisations data, unlock employee potential, drive efficiencies, and prepare your organisation for the flexibility and agility required in a rapidly changing and connected world.  

The flexibility to thrive in a connected world

Integrating systems and data is traditionally very difficult to do well. The variety of systems, architectures, and enterprise-grade complexities often end up over-complicating organisations digital systems and hindering rather than helping digital transformation. Smart Glue overcomes these complications by using the power of API’s. 

Supercharge your organisation with API’s

API's provide the consistency and flexibility for good integration and digital transformation to be easily and effectively implemented. With the comparatively low cost of implementation, API's are a no brainer for organisations as they transform to meet the changing needs of a connected world. 

Smart Glue uses API's to create real business outcomes

API's have been a buzzword for many years. However, in our experience, many mid-market organisations struggle to understand what they need to do if they want to benefit from API's.

The concept of API's is one thing, tying it to business outcomes is another. Symphony3's "Smart Glue" was developed specifically to help mid-market organisations make the most of API’s to effectively and easily digitally transform their organisation.

Smart Glue is more than a tool, it is a symphony of everything working together

Smart Glue is the embodiment of why we are called Symphony3. A symphony isn’t a collection of and musicians instruments in a room. It is what happens when all of these separate people and objects work together in perfect harmony to create a greater whole.

Like a Symphony, rather than use terms like integration, API's, middleware, Rest, service buses, SOAP etc. We prefer to use the term Smart Glue. Simply put, Smart Glue is how we use the technologies above, combined with good processes and an understanding of business to help clients bind their systems and data together. 

How Smart Glue is benefiting real organisations

Geofabrics Australasia

Geofabrics uses Smart Glue to connect all customer leads across digital touchpoints to their CRM. This allows customers to integrate stock levels in any of the warehouses directly from smartphones. 

The Catholic Diocese of Sale, Education Office

DOSCEL uses Smart Glue to connect 2000 teachers across 50 schools to their intranet and compliance platform, giving them seamless access to hundreds of policies and procedures.

Colac Otway Shire Council

Colac Otway uses Smart Glue to ensure digital support requests are entered into their CRM automatically. They also use it to quickly and automatically sort and store internal documents in their document management system. This greatly improves Colac Otway's customer service and cuts down on time spent by employees managing data across multiple systems. 

How Smart Glue benefits your users

When a customer interacts with your organisation for a service, they often interact with multiple systems. With Smart Glue, we can provide one user interface that connects these multiple systems. This means that users interact with a single, connected system instead of several disconnected ones. This improves the user experience and saves time and money by making your systems much easier to manage. Have you thought about how and where this might apply in your organisation?

What systems have we integrated so far?

Smart Glue is our modular methodology for connecting systems together. Over many years our library of integrations has been growing as the diagram below shows. Our code and processes are reusable, meaning we can most likely integrate your systems quickly and cost-effectively.

Want SmartGlue for your organisation?

Each system we integrate solves a common problem for our clients. All made possible with Smart Glue

What systems does Smart Glue integrate?

MS Dynamics CRM


Pathway CRM






MYOB Accountright

Microsoft Dynamics

Microsoft Azure Single Sign-On



